This is what you get

  • 6 x video tutorials which go through how to make the journal, affirmation tags and background

  • 3 x PDFs which include images + quotes + products I used to create this little journal

  • Subscription to my regular newsletter full of goodies around art journaling and manifesting

  • Access to a Facebook Group of like minded women

  • You get to listen in as I (a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach) rambles on and gives away some juicy manifesting secrets

Is this you?

  • Are you looking for a fun and unique way to manifest?

  • Finding it hard to stay focused when using the law of attraction?

  • Wanting a simple step formula that’s easy to use when manifesting?

  • Do you want to be more creative in a way that brings you joy and positivity?

If you said yes to any of the above – this course is for you.

In this course I show you ‘how’ I created the backgrounds and the tags as well as giving you some great advice around using the Law of Attraction.

This is an easy to assemble - no sewing required - art journal that will keep you super focused on your manifesting goal


Being a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach and art journal junkie I've combined my two loves in life to create this free offering for you.



Join us in making the Magical Manifesting Art Journal

The FREE tutorial - remember what you focus on grows

Get started now